I envision a future in which all my learning activities will be based on Peace education themes.
I hold a vision of my students not being passive recipients of instruction, but actually proactively using the acquired skills and knowledge to effect transformation in their local communities.
I envision a future in which all young pupils of our local public schools will be given quality education that will guide them to become functional members of the society.
I envision a future in which conflicts between our diverse ethnic groups will be resolved through dialogue; each party will be willing to make compromises; and there will be mutual respect for diversities.
I envision a future in which all girls in my community will have access to post secondary education.
I envision a world in which race, gender, or faith will not be the determinant of the height of achievement available for all human beings.
I envision a future in which all firearms and bomb factories will be converted into schools and children playgrounds.
I envision a future in which there will be no dictatorial government in power anywhere in the world.
I envision a world in which environmental sustainability will be a major consideration when decisions are made on issues of growth and development.
I envision myself as a Peace educator working both locally within my immediate community, and contributing to global efforts at making sure we leave this world better than we met it.
These are all very wonderful goals! I hope to see all of these come to fruition in our life time.