I sincerely don’t see any difference between my perception of what a Peace educator should be, and the attributes outlined in the handbook.
In fact, I would have preferred the list to be universally adopted as the benchmark for certifying teachers in general. Either a teacher is directly engaged in teaching Peace education or any other field of academic study, the outlined attributes are essential for a successful teaching/learning experience!
A good teacher must see himself more as a lead guide who is actively coordinating a process of guiding learners to imbibe the best aspects of their culture, while at the same time empowering them to be able to critically examine the noticeable defects, with the aim of proffering alternative practicable alternatives that can be integrated into the society to improve it.
Whatever the teaching subjects, our main aim should be to guide learners to become the best they possibly can be, and motivate them to become committed to using their innate skills and acquired knowledge towards transforming their societies to become the best it could be!
To effectively achieve the above, a teacher must see himself as a learner, Learning from the students, and the society at large. In fact you teach better when you study your students and use that knowledge to connect with them!
A good teacher is ever on the lookout for ways of improving his skills and practice.
Students will always ask questions (relevant questions and others which we may sometimes perceive as being irrelevant) and signs of being a good teacher is one who his/her students feel free ask questions without fear of negative criticism or violent response.
It is in the questions we sometimes think are irrelevant or stupid that we get to truly know our students, their perception and the understanding they attach to what they are learning.
This works in two ways, firstly it gives us, as teachers, an insight into how our teaching is being received internally processed by the students thereby guiding us to know how to proceed.
On the other hand, if we don’t make ourselves open and accessible to our students, they might end up asking the wrong person who may misdirect them!
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